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Can Social Media Affect Your Personal Injury Claim?

Posted By Aguirre Law | January 26 2024 | Firm News, Personal Injury

One of the easiest ways to communicate information to your family and friends is through social media. With one message, you can update loved ones about what is happening in your life and if you need help or are okay.

This is especially true in the event of a significant life event or catastrophe, such as a serious car accident. However, your reassuring words and updates can be used against you in your personal injury claim, as can any posts in which your friends and family unknowingly tag you. In the event you are in this situation, contact our San Antonio car accident attorneys.

Read the following to learn why it is best to avoid all forms of social media when pursuing a personal injury claim. If you need more information about personal injury claims or how to handle your social media accounts amid your claim, contact an experienced attorney in your area.

Telling People You are OK Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Telling people you are okay after an accident can affect your personal injury claim. While you may do so to make friends and family, especially those who live far away, feel better, downplaying your accident and injuries can hurt your claim.

The insurance company can argue that your claim was overblown, overvalued, and untrue. Your online statements minimizing your injuries and the accident can be used to contradict any statements you made about the accident at the scene or to the insurance company following the accident.

Posting Regular Activities and Events Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Posting regular activities and events can affect your personal injury claim. Even innocent activities can be used against you in a personal injury claim.

For example, you claim that your accident left you unable to enjoy physical activities. Then, you post pictures of yourself on a ski trip with your friends. Even if there are no pictures of you skiing and you did not ski, you open yourself up to questions about your injury claims and physical abilities.

Any posting or check-in you make or in which you are tagged can be misconstrued. Do not allow these to jeopardize your personal injury compensation.

Other People’s Posts and Tags Can Affect Your Personal Injury Claim

Other people’s posts and tags can affect your personal injury claim. Tell your friends and family not to post photos of you or tag you in pictures during your personal injury claim.

Let your loved ones know comments left on your social media can be misconstrued and used against you in your personal injury claim. Tell them this will not last forever, and ask them to be understanding.

What If My Job Includes Social Media?

If your job includes being active on social media, contact an experienced personal injury attorney for advice. It is challenging to filter activity online, and guidelines from an attorney can be crucial in protecting your personal injury claim.

Contact an Experienced San Antonio Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you suffered injuries due to someone else’s negligence, call the San Antonio personal injury attorneys at The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC. We have served the San Antonio community for more than 20 years.

The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, will walk you through the personal injury claims process and inform you of your rights as an injury victim. The sooner you contact The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, the faster we can get started on your claim.

Schedule your complimentary consultation by calling The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, in San Antonio today.

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