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Navigating an Insurance Claim After a Catastrophic Injury

Posted By Aguirre Law | October 21 2023 | Personal Injury

Filing an insurance claim may be the last thing on your mind after a catastrophic injury. Your catastrophic injury may have caused serious pain and suffering, a hospital stay, and you may still be under the care of a medical recovery team.

However, you are under a statutory deadline to file a Texas catastrophic injury claim to preserve your right to compensation for your accident-related expenses and other losses. In addition, catastrophic injury claims are complex to build and can take time to resolve making it important to start your claim as soon as possible.

The following offers information on navigating an insurance claim after a catastrophic injury. If you have specific questions about your claim, contact an experienced San Antonio catastrophic injury attorney today,

Catastrophic Injury Claims are Different from Other Personal Injury Claims

Catastrophic injury claims are not like other personal injury claims. They have lifelong physical, emotional, mental, and financial consequences for accident victims. 

The seriousness of catastrophic injuries increases the cost of a victim’s current and future medical care needs and recovery time. Victims of catastrophic injuries are often permanently disabled and require assistive devices, home modifications, and home or nursing care.

Catastrophic injuries also prevent an accident victim from returning to gainful employment. Lost wages and loss of earning potential are large components of an insurance claim for catastrophic injury claims.

Finally, the statute of limitations is likely to run before an accident victim reaches maximum medical improvement and is released by their doctor. This means an insurance claim and civil lawsuit must be filed while a victim is recovering from their injuries. 

Otherwise, they may be barred from filing a claim for monetary damages.

Navigating an Insurance Claim After a Catastrophic Injury

Navigating a catastrophic injury claim is different from other personal injury claims because insurance companies are typically unwilling to pay the high costs associated with catastrophic injuries. To ensure full compensation for a catastrophic injury claim, an accident victim must be able to prove the extent of their expenses and pain and suffering.

Evidence used to prove a catastrophic injury claim includes:

  • Medical records;
  • Medical billings;
  • Prescription drug logs;
  • Property damage bills and photos;
  • Pay stubs and employment records;
  • Medical and accident reconstruction expert testimony;
  • A personal recovery journal detailing the accident’s impact on the victim’s life; and
  • Police and accident reports.

An experienced catastrophic injury attorney will help their client build a solid case for compensation and protect their interests against insurance company tactics to deny, reduce, or shift blame for an accident.

An attorney will also file a catastrophic injury lawsuit on behalf of their client within the Texas two-year statute of limitations. There are some exceptions for filing against the government.

Contact an Experienced San Antonio Catastrophic Injury Attorney Today

If you were catastrophically injured in an accident, reach out to The Aguirre Law Firm, PC. Our attorneys will guide you through the catastrophic injury claims process and protect your legal right to maximum compensation for your injuries.

Call The Aguirre Law Firm, PC, today to schedule your complimentary consultation. At The Aguirre Law Firm, PC, we only get paid when we win compensation for you.

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