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Damages in San Antonio Brain Injury Lawsuits

Posted By Aguirre Law | August 20 2023 | Personal Injury

Traumatic brain injuries cost victims and their families exponentially. Just as every brain injury victim is unique, so is the physical, mental, emotional, and financial impact on their life. 

If you or your loved one suffered a traumatic brain injury, you may be entitled to compensation through a Texas personal injury claim. The following outlines potential damages in a traumatic brain injury lawsuit.

For a personalized claim evaluation, contact an experienced San Antonio traumatic brain injury attorney.

What is a Traumatic Brain Injury?

A traumatic brain injury or TBI is any damage to the brain that disrupts the organ’s normal ability to function. A TBI may be mild, moderate, or severe. 

Most TBIs are concussions caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. A person need not lose consciousness to incur a TBI.

Victims of TBIs may not be aware of their injuries. Symptoms may take hours or days to appear after an accident.

Therefore, it is important to have a medical examination immediately following any blow to the head or jarring-type injury.

How are Traumatic Brain Injury Damages Calculated?

The amount and types of damages available in a TBI claim will rely on several factors. These include but are not limited to:

  • The type and severity of the injury;
  • The victim’s prognosis for recovery;
  • The total amount of medical costs including future costs of care;
  • Whether the victim can return to work or earn a living; and
  • The impact of the injury on the victim’s ability to enjoy life.

It is impossible to know the final damages amount until a TBI victim reaches a plateau in their medical care or maximum medical improvement (MMI). However, a traumatic brain injury attorney can estimate damages after a thorough claim review.

Damages Pursued in Traumatic Brain Injury Claims

Most TBI victims pursue compensatory damages for economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses are damages with fixable dollar amounts and may include any of the following:

  • Hospitalization and specialty treatment;
  • Surgeries;
  • Prescription drugs;
  • Rehabilitation and occupational therapy;
  • Ongoing home care or nursing facility care;
  • Psychological counseling; 
  • Lost wages; and
  • Loss of earning capacity.

Non-economic damages are money damages for subjective, personal losses such as:

  • Pain and suffering;
  • Mental and emotional trauma;
  • Disfigurement and scarring; and
  • Loss of companionship.

A skilled traumatic brain injury attorney can ensure any compensation claim is legally sound and backed by provable evidence. 

Reach Out to an Experienced Traumatic Brain Injury Attorney Today

For more information about damages in a traumatic brain injury claim, contact the experienced attorneys at The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC. We have more than two decades of personal injury experience and are highly recommended by both peers and former clients.

A San Antonio personal injury lawyer at The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, will meet with you at no cost to discuss your TBI claim. You must understand your legal rights and responsibilities as an accident victim.

Do not wait to call The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC. Texas has strict time limits to file a TBI case beyond which you are barred from any financial compensation.

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