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How to Deal With Insurance Companies After a Truck Accident

Posted By Aguirre Law | July 30 2023 | Firm News

Dealing with the complications of a serious truck accident can be confusing and overwhelming. You may find yourself unsure what to do or where to turn for help.

The insurance company for the truck driver or trucking company is likely to call with a quick offer to settle. While this may be tempting, do not make any hasty moves to accept.

Read on to find out how to deal with insurance companies after a truck accident, and protect yourself from accepting a settlement offer that does not fully cover your accident-related injuries.

Never Admit Fault

There is no need to be rude while speaking with an insurance company. However, be on your guard at all times, and never admit fault or apologize for an accident. 

Keep any answers short and simple. Only state the facts and never speculate or embellish. 

Remember that you can retain an attorney to handle all insurance company correspondence on your behalf.

Never Give a Recorded Statement

Never agree to a recorded statement. A recording can be used against you at a later date. Instead, let the insurance company know that you will provide a written statement at a later date and do so.

An experienced truck accident attorney can help you prepare a written statement.

Never Settle Until You Complete Medical Treatment

Settling your claim before completing medical treatment could leave you without the means to pay for needed medical care. There is no way of knowing how much your claim is worth until your medical treatment ends or until you reach maximum recovery.

If you need ongoing medical care, you may need expert assistance to determine the future cost of treatment.

Do Not Wait to Speak to a Truck Accident Attorney

Do not wait to speak with a truck accident attorney. You should know your legal rights as an accident victim before taking any calls from an insurance adjuster.

An experienced truck accident attorney can also walk you through the steps of the claims process so you know what to expect as your case progresses.

Why Hire an Experienced Truck Accident Attorney?

Truck Accident Attorneys Know Insurance Company Tactics

Insurance companies use numerous tactics to avoid paying truck accident claims in full or deny paying them at all. For instance, an insurance company may try to blame the victim or another party to the accident for injuries and damages.

Truck accident attorneys know this and conduct independent investigations into accidents to discover an accident’s cause and each party’s liability. Truck accident attorneys may also use accident reconstructionists, police reports, FMCSA reports, and vocational experts to paint a picture of an accident and any resulting injuries.

Contact an Experienced San Antonio Truck Accident Attorney Today

Insurance companies are corporations with shareholders. It is their job to make money. At The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, our only job is to protect you and your interests.

Do not face an insurance company alone. The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, has the knowledge and resources to go head-to-head with large trucking companies and their insurers.

Call The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, today to discuss your truck accident with a San Antonio 18 wheeler accident lawyer. There is no cost for a consultation, and at The Aguirre Law Firm, PLLC, you only get charged when we collect compensation for you.

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